Bombs away
At this point I just stopped counting the bomber jackets that I have. With the first one I thought I had myself convinced that it would be the bomber jewel in my closet. The second one was going to complement the first one. The third was going to make a statement. The forth..oh, the forth is a vintage one, I had to have it... And on, and on... Until I stopped looking for reasons why I have to buy it. Bombers are practical and cool, and versatile. You must have at least one! I am wearing tee and bomber-URBAN OUTFITTERS, pants and booties-ZARA, RAY-BAN aviators |
About Adelina Alexander was born and raised in Bulgaria where she achieved her Bachelor Degree in Fashion design. She is now living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida working as a freelance stylist and image consultant. Adelina completed The American college of professional styling in 2011. Her relationship with fashion is a never ending affair. As she likes to say: " It's getting serious". Adelina created her blog with the idea of sharing her personal style and thoughts on fashion and trends. She is always looking to inspire and be inspired anytime anywhere. |